
Shortfalls of Short Lives

A multimedia project exploring why there is a lack of palliative nurses for children in the UK


Charlotte Callear

I am multimedia journalism student at Bournemouth University, pursuing my final year project on the shortage of pediatric palliative care nurses in the UK.

Meet Care Team Leader Amanda Williams

Amanda Williams tells us about what it's like to work in a children's hospice

Where to Find the UK’s Child Palliative Charities and Hospices

Explore a map of children's hospices in the UK and see who the top charities are.

Results from my Questionnaire

Find out the results of my survey, testing how much awareness there is surrounding CPC.

CPC Nurse Training is Not Enough

My interviewees all agreed there is not enough training for CPC nurses. Listen to what they said and where in the world there are specific courses.

Writing the Script

Here's an outline of what I want to achieve with my script

Jacky Renahan’s Experience as a Nurse

An ex-nurse tells us what it was like then and now to work around dying children.

Where to Donate this Christmas

Christmas is a time of giving, here are the top children's hospices and charities you can donate to

You Don’t Expect to Outlive Your Child

Read more about the extra difficulties of losing a child that you probably did not think of

X Factor Donates to Terminally Ill Children

X Factor proceeds go to children's hospice thanks to patron, Simon Cowell

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