This is the campaign that was the inspiration to pursue this topic.

In September, Together for Short Lives launched a campaign to convince nurses of how rewarding it can be to take care of children in their time of greatest need. They highlighted the problem and became the inspiration for me to pursue this project. Highlights of the report can be found in this infographic.

Vacancy rates for nurses in children’s palliative care currently stands at 10% which is higher than the NHS nurse vacancy rate at 7%. This shortfall means there is reduced respite care and interruption in the continuity of care meaning families are limited in the support they get. To spread awareness, they are using the hashtag #YouCanBeThatNurse.


Together for Short Lives is a leading UK charity that takes action to support children who are not expected to live for long by achieving the best end of life care possible. Their focus is on supporting the children, young people and families by listening and providing for their needs.

I got in contact with Gillian Dickson, the charity’s Workforce and Development Manager, who will be talking me through the campaign and it’s importance next week.

Post in the comments any questions you want me to ask or any issues to address and like/share on Twitter and Facebook.

Watch the campaign video here: